06 / 2023 – Synapsis Design becomes WILDDESIGN Office Stuttgart

Synapsis Design GmbH becomes the Stuttgart office of WILDDESIGN GmbH, one of the top addresses in medical design. On the one hand, it was time to put our know-how on a broader basis, to become part of a motivated and competent team, and on the other hand, we complement the new office with our expertise in aesthetically sophisticated and production-oriented design, thus strengthening the area of “Design for Manufacturing”. We are looking forward to the new tasks.
The first joint appearance was at the MedTec and T4M trade fair in Nuremberg. Pictured here are Niclas Wagner (Office Munich), Markus Wild (CEO), Frank Detering (Office Stuttgart), Sven Dörhage (Office Magdeburg) and the two managing directors of BENKANA Interfaces, Kay Behrenbruch and Michael Engler.
WILDDESIGN Office Stuttgart